Exhibition at Krapperup Konsthall, Sweden, Juli 18th- August 30th 2020

In the Coronavirus lockdown I had yo use my closest as my models. The silk ribbon symbolizes the power of creation.

Not only sad things has happened under the Corona crisis. In my lock down I had the time to finish works for the show «Women create Men «. This is the last and largest exhibition where the theme are men. It´s a joint exhibition with 13 of my new paintings, and since there is difficult to travel to Sweden right now I will make a virtual exhibition here.

The paintings will, physically, be hanging from Juli 18th until August 30th.

Men have always fought to reach the top and I have depicted them in a financial wrestling match. Power appears in the form of money and muscle.
Men have always fought to reach the top and I have depicted them in a financial wrestling match. Power appears in the form of money and muscle.
This is my second painting with Pygmalion. I’ve turned upside down on the original story. Pygmalion Er opprinnelig beskrevet i Ovids Metamorfose om en skulptør som ikke var interessert i kvinner. Han laget så en skulptur av en kvinne i elfenben som han forelsket seg i.  Under en festival til ære for Afrodite ønsket han, i sine tanker, en brud like vakker som skulpturen han selv hadde laget. Da han returnerte til sitt atelier kysset han sin skulptur og oppdaget at leppene hennes var varme. Skulpturen kom til live og Pygmalion giftet seg deretter med henne.  Min versjon av Pygmalion er en omvendt fortelling; kvinnen er Pygmalion og den mannlige skulpturen kommer til live..
The title I´ve borrowed from the composer Philip Glass which I´m fascinated by. This paintings is my interpretation of how Einstein came to insight.
The boy wander along the beach, in the shadow of his father,
trying to hit his footsteps.
Eve has left Adam.
The lover
A metaphorical picture of how men can be immersive in a woman’s mind.


Couple in the mist
Couple in the mist. How men..and women seem to rush past each other. Maybe the are blind to see who really is your love.
Gerhard Knoop