Helene Knoop's Blog
Virtual exhibition in Oslo park.
Helene Knoop is participating with her own exhibition at Oslo Art Park in collaboration with Connected Art. Join the Grand opening 25th of May! Oslo Art Park will be an arena for innovative art projects within the digital and virtual sphere, and work is underway to establish a physical contact point for creative forces focused
Art Cards – New collection with Helene Knoop
Art Cards is collaborating with Helene Knoop using her paintings in their quality production of art cards. You can buy single art cards or the collection with 8 double art cards in a beautiful gift box.
Dealers of Knoops art
Where to buy Helene Knoops graphic art works: Atelié Fine Art Pinakoteket
Upcoming exhibition in Estonia
The Ludwig Knoop Project November 1 2023-January 7 2024 https://www.nart.ee/en/exhibitions/the-ludwig-knoop-project/ The idea of the exhibition is to show in a narrative way Helene Knoop’s personal history with her great, great grand uncle Ludwig Knoop visualized in a family tree, which will cover a large wall based on a woven canvas. Attached to this canvas, as
Participating in NRK TV Production “Portrettmesterskapet”
Helene Knoop deltar på NRKs Portrettmesterskapet . September/oktober 2023. Sesong 1: https://tv.nrk.no/serie/portrettmesterskapet/sesong/1/episode/3/avspiller Fra pressen: https://subjekt.no/2023/09/14/kunstverdenen-burde-ikke-vaere-et-lukket-selskap/ https://www.nrk.no/oppdrag/portrettmesterskapet-med-mikkel-niva-pa-nrk-1.16529663 Contact; [email protected], for further information