
Helene Knoop undertakes a limited number of commissions each year. The modell often comes to pose in her studio. Larger commissions such as paintings destined for public and private buildings can be arranged, as can commissions abroad. For more information please contact Helene Knoop directly at post ( @ )

Helene Knoop about her commissions:

Commissions, either in the form of larger figure compositions or smaller portraits, are strong symbols in the public room and an important part of the private sphere. The commissioner plants the idea: I develop and reveal it through my interpretation and craft.

As a painter, I engage with the space in which the painting will hang and I always use live models. I seek the person’s soul and hunt for sublime ideas. I play, I elevate, and I create a narrative.

Here is the story behind a few of the commissioned paintings seen in the gallery below:

Painting commission of Maria Montessori for the Montessori School, Norway.
Painting commission of Maria Montessori for the Montessori School, Norway.
Portrait of Bishop Bernt Eidsvig. St.Olav Church, Oslo. 70×65 cm. Oil on linnen.
The sinner
The sinner. Oil on canvas. 120×100 cm
The Gundersen Family
The Gundersen Family
The wanderer
"Keiron" Oil on canvas 135x150 cm. 2020
20 years ago I painted his sister and now he was ready to get his portrait painted.
Portrait commission , - a tradition that no longer is traditional. Portrait is not only a picture of a person. It´s a dive into ones personality, a history, a life. -Grateful that my crafts can get such commissions.
55x65 cm. Oil on canvas. 2019.
Mattias. 55 x 65 cm. Oil on canvas. 2019
The father and husband gave as gift a portrait to each in his dear family. Different countries and cultures and dreams was melted together in these paintings.
A couple asked me if I could paint a nude, male, for their collection which lacked men.
Portrait of Venus. A husband once contacted me asking if I could paint his beautiful wife. They had been married for 21 years and he had thought about it since the day they met. The idea was his: I moderated it a little as it was supposed to hang in the family house. The result was a timeless, seductive image of a strong and beautiful woman glancing over her shoulder, meeting her husband’s eyes.
The Jakobsen Family. Viktor has his origins in Italy. He asked me to do a large portrait of his daughters and himself. Full freedom, I was promised, so I created a world based on their origins and personal history. Getting all the details right, creating the atmosphere, and the complicated composition, took me a whole year. All the layers of paint mirrored their story.
Pregnant Woman. Once I made a drawing of a pregnant woman, in her last phase of the pregnancy. I was asked to do a painting of the same motif and had to answer the customer: “I will, as soon as one of my friends get pregnant.” After a year I had the perfect model. We started in the first month of her pregnancy, carefully depicting everything, except from the belly. As we entered the ninth month the center of the painting was completed