Helene Knoop


Helene Knoop (b. 1979) is one of Norway’s foremost figurative painters. She lives and works outside Oslo, Norway.

A masterpiece engages with the profound, the human, and the sublime. It transcends time and speaks directly to us, and we recognize ourselves, or some of our own experiences in it. This is why we always return to the masterpiece.

Upcoming exhibitions and news

Gjest hos podcasten Fri når det gjelder!

Podcastgjest hos “Fri når det gjelder”: Et forum hvor det snakkes om det kreative sinnet og de mentale ferdigheter hos scenekunstnere.Vertene ønsker å bevisstgjøre ulike tankesett hos ulike kunstnere. Hvordan håndterer vi presset rundt prestasjon, utfordringer i miljøet og de kreative prosessene for best å bli Fri når det gjelder! Operasangeren Silvia Moi & ballettdanseren

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Virtual exhibition in Oslo park.

Helene Knoop is participating with her own exhibition at Oslo Art Park  in collaboration with Connected Art.  Join the Grand opening 25th of May! Oslo Art Park will be an arena for innovative art projects within the digital and virtual sphere, and work is underway to establish a physical contact point for creative forces focused

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Malekurs med Helene Knoop